Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Survey on Spending Habits, Household, and Personality

From: Peter Caprariello [mailto:pcaprari@psych.rochester.edu]
Sent: Tue 6/23/2009 8:36 AM
To: David Wagner
Subject: RE: [SPSP GSC listserv] seeking advice about recruiting online samples


I appreciate your offer. I include a short intro and the link below:

I'm a graduate student in psychology at the University of Rochester. I'm
looking for a nationally representative sample of volunteers to take my
survey. The survey is brief, it takes about 6-7 minutes to complete, and
asks questions about your spending habits, your household, and your
personality. There is a link at the bottom that will direct you to the
survey. Your responses are confidential and anonymous, and the survey has
been approved by the University of Rochester ethical review board. My
contact information is included in the survey if you have questions.
Thanks in advance. The link follows below.



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