From: Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues List on behalf of Heather D Hussey
Sent: Thu 4/30/2009 5:49 AM
Subject: Inclusive Teaching
Hello Everyone,I am writing one last time to humbly request your participation in a survey that assesses attitudes and behaviors related to inclusive teaching. This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of New Hampshire. I hope to receive responses from teachers as well as teaching graduate students at several colleges and universities to obtain representative information about these issues across many different types of institutions and teachers. Survey responses will be anonymous and all data will be kept confidential. This survey takes only about 20 minutes to complete. At the end of this survey you will have the option of entering a drawing to win 1 of 2 Blackberry phones.To participate in the survey, please go to this link:
Results will be very valuable for my research; these data are for my doctoral dissertation in Psychology. In addition, information from this survey will help identify factors that may make it easy or difficult for faculty to include multicultural material into their teaching. Many institutions have stated increased diversity as a goal, and results from this survey could help institutions find ways to make that goal a reality.If you can take the time to participate in this survey, I would appreciate it very much. As you may know, most research in psychology focuses on undergraduates (who are easy to recruit). For this study, we really need information about the attitudes of teachers. Your participation would provide extremely valuable information.
Thank you for your time,
Heather D. Hussey
University of New Hampshire
Department of Psychology
Conant Hall
Durham, NH 03824
Data Reliability Engineering
9 months ago
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