Thursday, December 31, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Russian Expansionism

Wagner's MBA Law of Russian Expansionism: The Russians are not our friends, and they really don't like each other so well, either, and only respect the guy with the most guns, as history has proven, repeatedly, so keep your eye on Russians! "The Russians escaped while we weren't watching them, like Russians will." -- Jackson Browne

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of the Fitbit Activity Wristband

Wagner's MBA Law of the Fitbit Activity Wristband: The Genius of the Fitbit Wristband is that it aligns calorie consumption and physical activity in the same day. Otherwise, we tend to minimize the calorie consumption and exaggerate the physical activity, such as, "I'm going to eat this now because I have a big workout planned for tomorrow."

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Micro-Aggressions

Wagner's MBA Law of Micro-Aggressions: With all this talk of micro-aggressive speech toward each other (i.e., 1 x 10 to the minus 6 power)... I have to say that 1.0 aggressions bug me, but 0.000001 (a millionth) aggressions really don't bother me very much.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of American Freedom

Wagner's MBA Law of American Freedom: We are free in America because we are willing to fight to be free; America is about guns and votes are simply proxies for guns owned by citizens, which is the UGLY TRUTH behind freedom. Disagree? Go ahead and make my day...

Friday, November 27, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Yams

Wagner's MBA Law of Yams: The taste of yams is acceptable when covered with butter, brown sugar, and walnuts... with some salt and pepper; meaning that they resemble the taste of yams in no discernible way...

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Transportation Security Agency (TSA) Screening Passengers

Wagner's MBA Law of Transportation Security Agency (TSA) Screening Passengers: If the TSA screeners are missing 95% (67 of 70) attempts to bring weapons on board aircraft, clearly it has not posed a large security threat.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Hypocrisy

Wagner's MBA Law of Hypocrisy: It is better for our leaders to tell us to do right and themselves do wrong, than it is for them to tell us to do wrong and also themselves do wrong.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Global Climate Change Science

Wagner's MBA Law of Global Climate Change Science: Climate change "doomers," journalists, and scientists are "flat Earth" thinkers who fail to consider the Earth as a sphere, that the Earth exists in three dimensions and time... There is a slight wobble to the Earth's rotation on its axis, so with the tilting on the axis as it revolves around the Sun each year and the wobble there is cyclic warming on one part of the globe, apart from daily or seasonal warming, solar flares not withstanding, but simultaneously the opposite is happening on the other side of the globe. [_I suppose that is the essential point of confusion; they can't always get data for what is happening on the exact opposite side of the Earth for the time period they are investigating... so they fail to consider it_] For example, melting Arctic Ice due to increased solar radiation would have to be accompanied by increased Antarctic Ice on the exact opposite side of the globe due to decreased solar radiation... climate change "doomers" are sort of having a "flat Earth" problem in reasoning... they are failing to realize that the Earth is actually a globe... not to worry... amateurs often fail to think in the three dimensions, including time and thus, they think they have the right answer, even though they are not considering all the variables...

Friday, November 20, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of the "Giant Space Hijab"

Wagner's MBA Law of the "Giant Space Hijab": Shhh! Don't tell anybody about this terror... Watch out for the launching of a "Giant Space Hijab" that could be deployed as a massive shroud in orbit around the Earth half way to the Moon. The "Giant Space Hijab" could be the ultimate Radical Muslim Terrorist Device to create Solar Eclipses, Lunar Eclipses, and limit Solar Radiation (from periodic solar flares?) anywhere on Earth to create climate change! It could also disrupt astronomy and lunar new year festivities... I'm scared already! Seriously, in writing this semi-funny post, I'm trying to teach that the normal wearing of the hijab by Muslim women is nothing to be afraid of and I'm trying to make fun of the climate change doomers who don't understand science regarding solar radiation.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Terror News

Wagner's MBA Law of Terror News: I'm done with TV news... All they do is spread terror. For me, I'm going to rely on the ONLY factual source of news: Facebook. Oh, and Wikipedia, too, which is just a slow, really slow version of Facebook without cat videos and selfies...

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Terrorist Attacks on Our Imaginations

Wagner's MBA Law of Terrorist Attacks on Our Imaginations (adapted from _South Park_): When terrorists attack our imaginations, our imaginations will run wild; terrorist attacks on indiscriminate civilian targets have no military significance and are a publicity event to gain press attention, attention that can safely be ignored. Now go clean your rifle or wave at a police officer, at least one of which will be helpful in a real terrorist attack.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Lowering the Prison Population

Wagner's MBA Law of Lowering the Prison Population: Stop breaking the law.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of The Now

Wagner's MBA Law of The Now (a ripoff of Buddhism and Mindfulness): Sometimes it helps to ground ourselves by being aware of the exact moment and time in which we find ourselves... count your breaths if you must... we've never been here and now before in this exact place and time, and we will never be here and now again (e.g., time, geographic location, planetary motion, and galactic motion, etc.). Now is also the only moment we can change or control. The past is gone. Learn from it though. The future is too far out of reach. Hope for it though. Still, we only have "The Now"... Explore it. Cherish it.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Skill Building

Wagner's MBA Law of Skill Building: If I learn how to use more than a hammer, perhaps I won't see so many nails out there.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Age-Appropriate Halloween Costumes

Wagner's MBA Law of Age-Appropriate Halloween Costumes: It is always interesting to see what other people think is an appropriate Halloween Costume. For example, one lady in her 40s or 50s was wearing a costume at Disneyland we couldn't figure out... Naughty librarian? Naughty cheerleader? Naughty nurse? My wife and I weren't sure what that was supposed to be...

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Loaning Money

Wagner's MBA Law of Loaning Money: I often refuse an opportunity to loan money as follows... "You see, I would like to help you, but I am a poor scholar, teacher, and counselor... When I was young, I had to choose between being handsome or being rich... I chose being handsome... and I hope that was the right choice."

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Superheroes

Wagner's Law of Superheroes: It is difficult for superheroes to walk among mere mortals with our superpowers but we must do so anyway.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Publicizing Terrorism (Restated)

Wagner's MBA Law of Publicizing Terrorism (Restated): Please stop publicizing terrorists by name. How many times must I say this? If you want to hurt terrorism, STOP PUBLICiZING IT! Terrorists create terrorism, which is an event design to generating press and word of mouth. The free press and broadcast media are glorifying terrorist organizations and making it easier for them to spread their messages of hate, and helping them recruit and raise funds. Stop mentioning terrorist organizations by name and you'll thwart terrorist brand development.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Tyranny

Wagner's MBA Law of Tyranny: Democracy is fickle but Tyranny resolute. Tyrants are focused and determined, so they often outlast the resolve of democracy and its leaders.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Widespread Ignorance

Wagner's MBA Law of Widespread Ignorance: Ignorance is not necessarily a conspiracy, even though almost everybody is participating and it seems to happen all at once.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Human DNA

Wagner's MBA Law of Human DNA: Meaningful patterns are rare in the Universe, such as works of art or engineering, and should be celebrated as gifts for their beauty and rarity... Human DNA as a foundation for cell division for each person represents a unique pattern that will never again occur in nature.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Anti-Science

Wagner's MBA Law of Anti-Science: The so-called "Pro-Science" advocates are less scientific and more religious in their reasoning than the so-called "Anti-Science" advocates. I'm trying understand the term "anti-science"... Imagine that I'm reading though my latest issue of any of the social psychology journals on this list... and I think the literature review is too limited on one article... then I find another journal article that describes interesting results but they didn't perform a somewhat obvious statistical test. Still, another journal article takes a theoretical approach with which I don't agree. Hence, the question... if I find shortcomings in the data collection, research methods or conclusions of certain journal articles, and I can articulate my specific objection I am "correct," in my opinion, and I have specific evidence to support my conjectures. Am I being anti-science by being "correct" in my objections? No. Am I being pro-science by being "correct" in my objections? Yes. So when I criticize unsupported theories (in my opinion) about the origins of the Universe, the Earth, or the Origin of Life, am I being anti-science? No. Being "correct" with qualifications is a specific condition that is clearly distinguishable from being "incorrect." That is, "correct" is noticeably different from "incorrect." Hence, I am not being "Anti-science" by pointing out obvious flaws in conclusions obtained from non-empirical investigations of theories. So if DNA strands that are so necessary for the primary life process of cell division came from inorganic chemical soup at the dawn of time, offer some supporting evidence... OK? Otherwise, quit your belly-aching!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of The Overqualification Fallacy

Wagner's MBA Law of The Overqualification Fallacy: The state or condition of Overqualification as a negative characteristic does not exist in referring to human skills sets, so please stop saying this to people as if it is some sort of disqualification. My student was just ignored for a promotion because they were told they are "overqualified." The term "overqualification" has no actual meaning. If a person is overqualified, they are, in fact, qualified. One cannot be over-qualified without first being qualified. More is greater than less. Does that help? I hope we can now laugh at people who use the term "overqualfiication" or "overqualified." You're welcome... ;)

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Jon Stewart

Wagner's MBA Law of Jon Stewart: Stewart made many good points, and was hilarious, even though he was frequently wrong and had an idealogical axe to grind... That said, if you didn't watch anything but Stewart, you could get a pretty good idea of what controversy was afoot... I'll miss him.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Decriminalizing Drugs

Wagner's MBA Law of Decriminalizing Drugs: Making drugs legal in the U.S. won't solve anything. The main problem with decriminalizing drugs is all the laws that are being broken (e.g., theft, assault, domestic violence, child endangerment/neglect & driving under the influence [DUI], etc.) while the defendant is under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and not necessarily the illegal manufacture, storage, and distribution of controlled substances.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Liberacism

Wagner's Law of Liberacism: Liberacism -- noun, an ideology of division by race or ethnicity, often for news media manipulation, straw-man advocacy, or self-serving political reasons, and other than for tangible reasons, such as increasing employee diversity, decreasing incarceration, decreasing infant mortality, increasing grade point average, or increasing mean household income. Liberacist -- noun, a person who tends to make classifications of individuals by skin color and ethnicity for often contrived or specious purposes of advocacy or ostensibly helping those individuals change the mean measurement of those individuals on some variable so that it is not statistically different from a equivalent variable sampled from a larger group of individuals. E.g., the mean break dancing scores of inner city Jewish Teens is far below that of other teens, even White Poser Skater Boys, so it is time to take action or perhaps not? See Fallacies of Division, Ecology, Exception, and Composition.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Dreaming

Wagner's MBA Law of Dreaming: Always have a positive vision of what could be beyond what simply exists now. If you separate a person from their dreams and hope for the future, you can crush their soul. What are we without our dreams?

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Studying Custodial Sciences

Wagner's MBA Law of Studying Custodial Sciences: Custodial Sciences is also a valuable job skill that will be required at some point in your career... As the great philosopher Kanye West once said "in grammar-free English" about ambition (from memory), "He got that ambition baby look in his eyes... This week he mopping floors next week it's the fries."

Friday, May 15, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Ethical Behavior in the Professions

Wagner's MBA Law of Ethical Behavior in the Professions: Let this question be your guide: Who benefits from this action? If it is not clearly the client/patient/student and only the client/patient/student, then you are (could be?) behaving unethically. If you know that you will benefit from a decision, even in some indirect way, how can you be certain that you have put the client/patient/student first?

Friday, May 8, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Writing

Wagner's MBA Law of Writing: Writing books is no problem... writing books that are important and/or that someone will read, now that is the issue, indeed.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Communiprogressocialism (Communism-Progressivism-Socialism)

Wagner's MBA Law of Communiprogressocialism (Communism-Progressivism-Socialism): Many government programs produce good outcomes, such as roads, national defense, healthy children, and productive workers, so not all government spending should be heaped into a slippery slope goo and criticized as evil.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Being An Adult

Wagner's MBA Law of Being An Adult: Trying to be an adult about EVERYTHING is the dumbest thing I have ever done... All my creative energy and love of people (and life) comes from NOT being quite so serious about all that adult responsibility... I should have let God fight more of the battles... it is more fun to approach each day with positive, child-like curiosity and openness.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Human Resources Department Stalking on Facebook

Wagner's MBA Law of Human Resources Department Stalking on Facebook; I realize that individuals in Human Resources departments spend a considerable amount of scarce company resources on stalking employees and potential employees in social media. Considering that stalkers rarely have training in research, psychology or therapy, would/could/should their "analysis" of you have any practical utility? Does it really help build better products/services and is it a necessary business activity? (I'm not sure.)

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law Against Profanity on Social Media

Wagner's MBA Law Against Profanity on Social Media: If you post a rude picture or profane word, I won't like or comment on your post. I'm saying that you should learn enough vocabulary and manners to express your ideas without impairing common decency. This is what we have schools for... (That is, so we can intentionally end sentences with prepositions and ellipses.) However, if you want to say something genius, revolutionary, passionate, loving, crazy, silly, snarky, or cynical... I may applaud your efforts, if I'm awake...

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Fighting Injustice

Wagner's MBA Law of Fighting Injustice: I often stay and fight the unjust system... but that is my genetic background. I am the descendant of poor, God-fearing German-American peasant farmers who scratched out a living for several generations on small patches of ground in Western Pennsylvania. Traditionally, Germans as an ethnic group are difficult to push around easily. There is Scot and Irish blood in me as well, so in additional to being stubborn, we are frugal and excitable, too. So, No, I wouldn't leave anywhere if I was treated unfairly; instead, I would fight the system until those "turkeys" surrendered or ran away... Currently, I'm fighting for justice with an executive team of a major corporation... they are just now realizing how much trouble they are in... wink emoticon and being narcissists who are insufficiently trained for their current positions, this, well, is going to take awhile...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Legalizing Marijuana

Wagner's MBA Law of Legalizing Marijuana: If you smoke too much Marijuana (a.k.a., Weed), you could induce a permanent psychosis, if your family has a history of schizophrenia... also you could be arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) or other public disorderly conduct due to hallucinating. One good thing about weed becoming legal is that it can be studied by researchers for dose/response curves to allow ACTUAL PRESCRIPTIONS and sanitary growing/manufacturing by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Smoking weed is ill-advised due to inhaling toxins, but making weed tea or ingesting weed might make some sense if a specific amount were prescribed by a licensed, knowledgeable physician. In my opinion, weed smoking seems to limit critical thinking skills (and memory impairment has been researched with strong support), with weed smokers reporting that they are smarter than everybody and everybody supplying abundant evidence that they are not smarter than everybody or perhaps ANYBODY...

Wagner's MBA Law of Art History

Wagner's MBA Law of Art History: Hopefully, the Great Works of Art have survived and we are studying them now to warm our souls, while we hope that lesser works of art did not survive, as much, and instead long ago warmed the hands or cooked the meals of art critics...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Using Your Own Unprotected, Private Email Server

Wagner's MBA Law of Using Your Own Unprotected, Private Email Server While Serving as U.S. Secretary of State: is the most stunning and serious security breach since Edward Snowden.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Musical Instruments in Worship

Wagner's MBA Law of Musical Instruments in Worship: While we go back to this argument about using musical instruments in worship again and again... Yawn. I'd like to say that animals were sacrificially slaughtered on the altar and set ablaze... this was a central theme in temple worship... and yet nobody seems to be demanding that we start doing it on Sunday morning? Why not? Setting animals on fire just helps ME worship better and is in my comfort zone! And isn't it all just about ME?! JKLOL!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Vacation Timeshares

Wagner's MBA Law of Vacation Timeshares: Vacation Timeshares are not ownership; you are just signing up to pay maintenance fees that are more than if you just booked a hotel for those dates and they call you an _OWNER_, but they own you; you have to pay them or an attorney to sell it at a huge loss; it is like having a fake gym membership that you can't get out of even if you declare bankruptcy...

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Fast and Furious Movies

Wagner's MBA Law of Fast and Furious Movies: These movies are basically unwatchable, even late at night up against My 600-lb Life on TLC or _Paid Programming's Wen Hair Care from Gunthy Renker, so before you get up and walk out on this movie, realizing that you are in your own house, and don't have to walk out... just surf responsibly... Smokey the Bear says, "Only YOU CAN PREVENT late night TV fires!"

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Discount Sushi:

Wagner's MBA Law of Discount Sushi: Avoid the "Russian Roulette" of Discounted Grocery Store Sushi; you are quite literally asking for trouble.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Unions

Wagner's MBA Law of Unions: Unions are annoying because when they run amok they destroy the competitiveness of some industries, but I also like that collective bargaining lifts the wages of all employees in communities and otherwise provides a countervailing force to remind employers that although you can sometimes get employees to work for almost nothing, it is not a sustainable social or economic venture to do so.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Punishing Cigarette Butt Litterers

Wagner's MBA Law of Punishing Cigarette Butt Litterers: Littering with Cigarette Butts is a form of "Environmental Terrorism" (...isn't everything called "terrorism" these days by our sensationalistic press?) and those terrorists should be punished by having to listen to Helen Reddy's "Greatest Hits" for 24 hours, nonstop... (if I could think of a worse punishment, I would recommend it...)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Miss Universe Pageants

Wagner's MBA Law of Miss Universe Pageants: To really crown a "Miss Universe" you must invite contestants from more than one planet.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Getting Your 80-year Old, Great Depression Era Parents to Eat

Wagner's MBA Law of Getting Your 80-year Old, Great Depression Era Parents to Eat: Always show up with 3 Gallons of Milk, 3 Loaves of Bread, and 3 Dozen Eggs, etc., and say, "Oh, you don't want this...?! I guess I'll just have to throw it away... or you can throw it away when it expires...!" They'll EAT IT ALL or at least try not to waste ANY of it.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Wagner's MBA Law of Publicizing Terror Sieges in France

Wagner's MBA Law of Publicizing Terror Sieges in France: It is only a "Terror Siege" if the news media calls it that. Terrorism feels like a publicity event when the news media blows it out of proportion. If they said, "Bad men are doing bad things in France...," isn't that just as accurate without promoting terrorist organizations and individual terrorists? Terrorists are not writing these sensational headlines, but journalists are. What if we covered news about criminal acts without linking the event to some sort of global terror conspiracy...? I'm just sayin'...