Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wagner's MBA Law of Hiking

Wagner's MBA Law of Hiking: Always go hiking with multiple individuals who can't run as fast as you, which could buy you valuable time in the event of a bear attack...

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wagner's MBA Law of Getting Lost

Wagner's MBA Law of Getting Lost: Never get lost in Malaysia...

Wagner's MBA Law of Finding Lost Things

Wagner's MBA Law of Finding Lost Things: Lost things are always in the last place you look, so try to look there first. Avoid looking in obvious places first, because lost things would have already been observed there by casual observers.

Wagner's MBA Laws of Survival

Wagner's MBA MBA Laws of Survival: You can go 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without shelter (and a LOT less in the cold ocean), 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food, and 3 months without being nagged...

Wagner's MBA Laws of Being Found

Wagner's MBA Laws of Being Found: 1. As soon as you realize that you are lost, try not to move further even if you are not sure when you became lost; 2. If you are separated from a larger group, they will claim that you are lost, when in fact, they were lost and you were trying to rescue them.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Wagner's MBA Law of Fake, Outsourced Parking Tickets that You Must Pay Online

Wagner's MBA Law of Fake, Outsourced Parking Tickets that You Must Pay Online: these annoying little things that you can get at shopping centers and college campuses are not real, the person who cited you is not an officer of any court for any governmental jurisdiction, and there is no due process of law. Ugh.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wagner's MBA Law of the U.S.A. Giving Up Control of Internet

Wagner's MBA Law of the U.S.A. Giving Up Control of Internet: If you give up control of the Internet to anti-free speech, anti-Semitic, anti-feminist, anti-gay, anti-democracy, anti-Christian, and anti-Capitalist countries, the Internet will be less fun and useful. Just say no to President Obama giving up control of the Internet: write to Thanks!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Wagner's MBA Law of American Racism

Wagner's MBA Law of American Racism: As long as Whites dominate leadership positions in American business and politics (i.e., limited structural assimilation), and learning English well is required to advance economically in American Society, America will still "feel" like a "racist country" to non-Whites no matter how much we say that America is not a "racist country."